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Fixtures      Match captains      Notes      Thoughts on venues     
updated 2.1.08

In the list of match captains below, new people are asterisked. If your details are inaccurate or incomplete, please say. Email addresses specially appreciated, if you've got one we don't know about.

Teams entered:



single rd
double rd
single rd
single rd
double rd

If captains change any fixtures by agreement, they must inform the County Match Controller and Webmaster promptly. No match may be played later than 22nd March (or 29th March if an arbiter is present). Re-arranged matches, in the table below, are asterisked in red. There were four already on 4th September.

Detailed results must go to both CMC and Webmaster. Email's fine.

Fixtures      Match captains      Notes      Venues      home

          Open Under 175 Under 150 Under 125 Under 100
Sep    29   MSy     KM
Oct      6          
         13 SyK  SxH  EM   EH  KSx  MSy   *HSy 
         20   SxE   HSy  
         27 (4NCL)       EH
Nov    3 KSx  ESy  MH   EK  SxM    
         10 (4NCL)   *SyH   KE  MSy
         17   ESy  KM   SyE  KH  SxM  
         24 (4NCL)       EM  HK
Dec     1   SxM  EK      
          8 SxE  HK  SyM   ME  HK     
        15   ME  SySx     MH  SyE
Jan      5    SyE  MK       *SyH
         12 (4NCL)       MK
         19   KSy  ESx   MH  EK  SxSy  
         26 EH  SySx  MK
  SxH  KM  ESy   KSy  HE
Feb      2   SxK  SyM   *MK  *ESx *SyM 
          9 (4NCL)   *SySx   EK  
         16   MSx  KE    HE  SyM  KSx  
         23 HSy  KE   SxM   SxE  SyK  HM    
Mar      1 (4NCL)       ME  KH
           8   EM  SxSy   ME  SxH  SyK  
         15 (4NCL) *KSx     HM  ESy
         22 (Easter)         
         29   *SyK     *SyK

Sunday 30th March (provisional): SCCU U180 & U135 Jamborees

Fixtures      Match captains      Notes      Venues      home


County Match Controller  David Smith, 21 Chigwell Rd, London E18 1LR  020 8530 2118 davidandjanesmith@ntlworld.com
Webmaster/Bulletin Editor   RJ Haddrell, 48 Southview Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9BX: tel/fax 01892 532361 rjh@sccu.ndo.co.uk
Grading Secretary H Grist, 12 Pilgrims Close, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 4XF 01702 617976 howard.grist@talk21.com

Match Captains


Position vacant. Contact John Philpott, 50 Cranston Gardens, Chingford, London E4 9BQ johnu175@yahoo.co.uk 020 8527 4063: mobile 0781 1094442: work 020 7951 1282


Position vacant. Contact John Philpott, 50 Cranston Gardens, Chingford, London E4 9BQ johnu175@yahoo.co.uk 020 8527 4063: mobile 0781 1094442: work 020 7951 1282


David Payne, 21 Northlands Close, Stanford le Hope, Essex SS17 8DL davidandjulie21@yahoo.co.uk 01375 409781


Simon Moth, 65 Charles Street, Epping, Essex CM16 7AX simon_mothy@yahoo.co.uk 01992 570901 work (emergency only) 020 7662 7514


Fin O'Regan, 42 Cambridge Rd, London E11 2PN finoregan@btinternet.com 020 8989 7551


Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell, 8 Highfield Hall, Highfield Lane, St Albans, Herts AL4 0LE fraser-mitchellj@bre.co.uk 01727 848883


Mike Price, 18 Trent Close, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 3RS mikeprice18@ntlworld.com 01438 239638: work 020 7342 2542


Keith J Woodhouse 37 New Road, Melbourn, Royston, Herts, SG8 6BX k.j.woodhouse@ntlworld.com 01763 261946 


*Kidge Elder, 14 The Quadrangle, Welwyn Garden City AL8 6SG kidge.elder(at)ntlworld(dot)com 01707 327415


*Rawle Allicock, 23 Uplands, Willenhall Rd, London SE18 6TY rawleallicock(at)hotmail(dot)co.uk 07717 022929


*Michael Wiltshire, 63 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, Kent DA1 2NS m.r.wiltshire@btinternet.com 01322 272152


*Laurence Jones, 76 Guibal Rd, Lee, London SE12 9LZ lcwv2003(at)ukonline.co(dot)uk 020 8857 6984


Ivor C Smith, 31 Green Farm Close, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent BR6 6DJ 01689 855648


Alan Evans, Readers, Millcroft Road, Cliffe, Rochester, Kent ME3 7QN 01634 220444


*Anthony Fulton, 37 Longstone Avenue, Harlesden, London NW10 3UL fulton790@aol.com mobile 07974 238357


Anthony Fulton as above


Chris Fewtrell, 77 Byron Way, Northolt, Middx UB5 6AZ chris.fewtrell@ntlworld.com 020 8723 8028


Chris Fewtrell as above


Graham Snow, 3 Ravensworth Court, 570 Fulham Road, London, SW6 5NN grahamsnow(at)supanet(dot)com 020 7736 5693 


Graeme Buckley, 3 Forge Lane, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8SH GNBuckley@aol.com 020 8642 5239


*Julien Shepley, 127 Alexandra Gardens, Knaphill, Woking GU21 2DL jmshepley(at)bigfoot(dot)com 01483 473643: mobile 07760 221728


Howard Curtis, 84/90 Chipstead Valley Road Coulsdon Surrey CR5 3BA howard@ccfworld.com 020 8645 0302


Mike Gunn, 82 Stoke Fields, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LT 01483 571553: mobile (recommended) 07739 518392 mikewxyz(at)googlemail(dot)com


Richard G Davey, 1 Greville Park Avenue, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 2QS r.davey7@ntlworld.com 01372 813576


Match Secretary: Richard J Almond, 5 The Willows, Sedlescombe Rd North, St. Leonards on Sea TN37 7PA richardalmond141@hotmail.com 01424 753612
Match Captain (on day of match and previous evening only): Paul Selby 01273 553825


RD Hirsch, 5 Orde Close, Pound Hill, Crawley, W Sussex RH10 3NG red.deer@btinternet.com 01293 883244


*L John Cannon, 149 Comptons Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 6BH. cannon149@tiscali.co.uk 01403 253776.


*Stephen Silverstein, 5 Gleneagles Court, Iona Way, Haywards Heath RH16 3TB lapidary(at)btinternet(dot)com 01444 440606: mobile 07866 263505

Fixtures      Match captains      Notes      Venues      home


Player qualification
Note ECF Counties Championship Rule 11 (which applies in the Union stage). 11(iii) states that one qualification to play for a County is two months' immediately previous and present membership of a club in or affiliated to the County. But it is also a requirement (ECF ruling) that the player must have played for the club in either the current or the previous season.

Contacting opponents
Remember that the home captain should contact the away captain to confirm arrangements at least one month in advance (or two weeks, for matches played before 13th October).

Match results
Result sheets must reach DS within one week of the match, and should also be sent promptly to the Website/Bulletin for publication.

The ECF Grading List (revised edition 22nd August 2007) is official for SCCU purposes throughout the season. It is on the ECF website. The printed book should be available in the first week of September, and will not be different.
     If a player has more than one published grade, the one based on most games will be used. You can appeal against this if you wish. (For ECF grades, the number of games is shown in the website list. For other grades or ratings, how you determine the number of games may not be obvious.)

Ungraded players
In the grading-limited divisions, ungraded players may play only if cleared with DS in advance. You should first check with your local grader, who may have information that's not in the list.

Quickplay finishes
The SCCU uses the FIDE Quickplay Finish rules, which are available on the site. Note Appendix D at the bottom, for QPFs where no arbiter is present. The 2005 version is very slightly different from the old one. If no arbiter is present, then in the event of a claim you STOP PLAYING and submit the position to DS.

Your Webmaster would add: Please do send all your result sheets to the Website and Bulletin (same address!), even if you're sure your opponents will. I need both copies as a check. Try to be prompt. Email's best, where possible. Give grades and full initials (or forename) for all players, and please be legible if writing by hand. Accuracy is important because the grader works directly from the website. If a player has just moved into your county, or hasn't played county chess before, add a note first time round saying where he's from. ECF grading code is helpful too, and if he hasn't got one say so. No need for codes generally, unless you think confusion's possible.

Fixtures      Match captains      Notes      Venues      home

by the County Match Controller
Whilst it is impossible to lay down hard and fast rules concerning the venues in which matches are played, there are a number of basic principles to which I feel that Counties should try to adhere. Most of them are just common sense but, at the risk of stating the obvious, here are a few observations.
Not everyone has a car. Venues need to be located in reasonably accessible places, well served by public transport, trains, buses etc. It is very helpful for Match captains to provide details of convenient connections serving the venue prior to the match. For those lucky enough to travel by car, details of convenient car parks are useful, particularly those that will not cost an "arm and a leg" for the 5 hours required.
Ideal venues are hard to come by. Essentials are to provide sufficient space for the match(es) (with room to walk around when required) with good lighting and convenient conveniences. Access for the disabled is an area of growing importance and Counties should do all in their power to use only fully accessible venues.
Bearing in mind that many teams will have travelled considerable distances, some form of refreshment is an essential courtesy to opponents. Tea, coffee and soft drinks can be provided at minimal cost to the home side. Other light refreshments could be provided by the venue for purchase as required. Details of adjacent cafes and pubs for pre-match meals etc are also very useful for the visiting teams.
     Mobile phones
Whilst the SCCU recognises that is not practicable to ban mobile phones from the playing area (or venue) nevertheless our County Match Rules now make it clear that if a player’s phone rings whilst his game is in progress, the game is automatically lost by default.

May I ask all Counties to review their arrangements in order to ensure that a County Chess match is a pleasant day out for all concerned and not a chore to be endured.
     Best wishes to all for the coming season.
David Smith
County Match Controller

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